Rugby 7s Survival Guide

Sarah Richard – World Wanderer
It’s only the biggest weekend in Hong Kong all year! The rugby 7’s have arrived and things are about to get crazy! Really crazy. If only we had thought of this earlier we would have printed in out, made it into a book and delivered it to your bedside – with a free Pocari Sweat and packet of paracetamol. But nah, just bookmark it or something. Liver destruction at the ready, here’s how to survive the madness:
Be Prepared
How about you don’t go out on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week? Stay in and sleep – you’re not going to be getting much this weekend. Plus none of the fun starts until Thursday. Like the big kickoff party taking place at Ovolo Southside!
Get your costume sorted in advance
Quick, head on over to Pottinger street NOW, the street will be absolutely swarmed over the next few days. Try and avoid busy times (after work and lunchtimes) and accept if you’ve left it this late there will most probably be a few people in the same outfit as you. And when we say a few, we mean a few thousands.
Keep Hydrated
You down that water, and keep downing. Although you are not able to take water into the stadium make sure you drink lots before you enter, buy some there and make 7/11 your first stop after – and don’t forget that Pocari Sweat!
Get your priorities straight
You a hardcore rugby fan? Then AVOID the South Stand? Hardcore partier then HEAD for the South Stand. You’ll get the best view from the East and West stand but we all know you’ll have the best laugh at the South stand. But no judging – just make sure you choose wisely.
Eat first
Because who wants to queue along those food stalls? Matches only last 15-minutes, you would have missed two before you have your overpriced hotdog. Eat before.
South standers – waterproof yourself
Expect a high chance of beer, cider, water and bodily fluid showers coming right at ya. Grab one of those cheap waterproof jackets or an umbrella. Ladies, wear closed-toe shoes unless you don’t mind all manner of liquid between your toes.
After Parties
Once the rugby is over the night has only just begun. The bars in Hong Kong and raring to go and waiting for the influx of drunk half dressed rugby fans. Wan Chai offers the best deals and attracts the visitors while LKF is an absolute drunk fest with people crowding into the streets for 3 days straight
Accept defeat
You will lose something, everything – your friends, your costume, your dignity – it’s going to happen – embrace it. But maybe just don’t bring out any valuables to avoid the inevitable.
Hair of the dog
You’re going to do it all over again right? Of course, you are. Sometimes the only way forward is to crack open another beer and start making (hazy) memories of the best weekend of the year. We salute you Hong Kong – it’s going to get messy!
Sarah Richard is a 26 year old professional world wanderer. 4 years ago she left the UK and everything that offered her security and routine in exchange for a constant life of excitement and adventure. And she is still living it now. Through out working as a Dive Master, freelance writer,running her blog ( and working along the way she now leads a life as a full time digital nomad. So follow her in her travels, in which ever country in the world she choses, and learn how you can do it too.