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How to take the perfect selfie

Julia Gralberg

Chin down, camera up – How to take the perfect selfie in 5 simple steps

Image source: Kylie Jenner Instagram

Taking a flattering photo of yourself without the need to edit the image by sucking in your tummy, finding your best angle, perfecting the smize whilst holding the camera (AND pressing the shutter button whilst keeping the entire look together) can be tricky, to say the least. Arguably on par with the multitasking challenge of juggling a champagne class, your business cards, a couple of canapés whilst throwing in a few handshakes. Chaos!

The art of snapping a great selfie, for those of us with only two hands, requires certain skills. The good news is you don’t need to be Kylie Jenner, or a professional photographer for that matter, to nail the perfect shot. Apart from getting your make-up and favourite outfit on and finding the perfect backdrop, by following these handy tips, you will be able to take your selfies to the next level in no time. Happy snapping!

1. It’s all about the lighting

Image source: Coveteur

The better the lighting the more flattering the selfie. Fact.

Any professional photographer would argue natural lighting is the superior light source for any photo shoot.

Get your photographer hat on and pose for your selfies in spots such as near a window while facing the light. This classic pro-hack will prevent you from having a shadow cast over your face.

If you are taking selfies outdoors the best hours of the day are during sunrise and sunset when the light is softer.

2. Make sure your smartphone has a good quality camera

Image Source: PetaPixel

A great selfie starts with a quality photo.

One of the most crucial elements for perfecting your selfie, which kinda goes without saying, is using a good camera. Make sure you invest in a smartphone with decent pixels and good selfie-settings.

Sadly filtering the heck out of your favourite pic isn’t going to help if the original photo is grainy and unclear.

3. Ditch the trout pout

Image Source: Fashionoor Official (FR)

Drop the duck face now!

For the love of God, the pout has to go. Not only does it scream 2010 it will also keep people wondering if the filler-lady has been going a bit too crazy. Trust…it’s not a good look. Exhibit A:

Instead, replace the unnatural mouth contraction with the Tinseltown favourite – the ‘fish gape’. Suck in your cheeks and leave the lips slightly apart (think Keira Knightley). This will give you a cool and relaxed look with more defined facial features. Hello, cheekbones!

The last word of advice on the mouth matter, if you decide to smile with your teeth just don’t over-do it.

4. It’s all about the angle baby

Chin down, camera up!

Lifting the camera slightly higher than your face and taking the photo ‘from above’ is a well-known trick made famous by the Queen of Selfies aka Kim Kardashian. Not only does your face appear slightly slimmer but by ‘looking up’ you can create a slightly seductive look (if that’s what you are after).

Another useful tip is to take photos of your “good side” which is the side of your face that looks most symmetrical and balanced. Tilt your head to the right and then the left to find out. Who knew!

And don’t forget, if you are using an iPhone you can use the volume buttons to take photos.

5. Go easy on the filters

Valencia, Inkwell and Sierra – we love our Instagram filters. If they weren’t enough many of us have also discovered Snapseed, VSCO and Facetune to name a few. These are all amazing tools to enhance your look and take your selfies to the next level.

However, a word of warning is in order here, make sure you go easy on the ‘beautifying’ apps. Overdoing the smoothing filters and going heavy on the face settings such as enlarging your eyes and slimming your jaw can easily make you look more alien-like than human.

Always make sure you make subtle enhancements and DON’T be tempted to use any ‘makeup’ apps. No need to further explain that one.  

 In Summary

Wrapping it up folks, if you’re not juggling champagne and canapés, you can surely master the art of the two-handed selfie! Remember, you don’t need to be a Jenner to capture that perfect pic. Illuminate with natural light, invest in a quality camera, and please, for selfie’s sake, let the duck face quack away into history. It’s all about the angle, and a touch of “fish gape”. But beware, while filters can be friends, too much and you might just become a space invader. So go out, chin down, camera up, and may your selfies forever shine weather your selfie is just for the Gram or for your wedding! #HappySnapping

Julia Gralberg

Julia Gralberg is a freelance travel writer, editor of Hotel & Resort Guide, Lux Nomade and founder of Boutique Communications Consultancy, Lux Collective. When she isn’t busy jumping in hotel beds and eating her way through breakfast buffets you’ll find her on her yoga mat.