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How to Plan The Ultimate Spring Day Out

how to plan the ultimate spring day out

The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and restrictions are finally easing up. Without further to do but ultimately bathe in vitamin D, we have the best ten top tips on how to plan the ultimate spring day out. 

1. Picnic in Australia’s backyard (or nearest park) 

As we see restrictions easing across the country, with regard to picnics in particular, what better way to enjoy a spring day out than with a picnic in a park. Grab your favourite outdoor rug (dust the dust off), text a friend, pack a picnic and head out to soak up some sunshine. Eager to picnic and no time to pack? Ovolo has you covered with takeaway and picnic options at Monster in Canberra, Alibi in Sydney, Lona Misa in Melbourne, and ZA ZA TA in Brisbane.

2. Picnic in your backyard

Unable to picnic in the park? Revamp your backyard (or loungeroom floor) with all the cushions and blankets you can find for the perfect picnic at home. The bonus side here is open beverages and no regulations, perfect for celebrating.  

3. Start a spring garden 

As Lewis Grizzard once said, “It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” Soak up Spring’s vitamin D on offer with a trip to your local Bunnings to purchase this season’s fruit and vegetable seeds. Start a spring garden, in a pot on your kitchen bench or in your backyard. No matter how big or small, make sure to follow try out a new recipe with your freshly grown produce! 

4. Head to your local pool or beach 

There truly is no better place to soak up some vitamin D like the beach or your local (outdoor) pool. Remember to slip, slop, slap though!  

5. Ride your bike or teach someone else to  

If you’ve just bought a bike and have been meaning to take it out, here’s your chance! Don’t own a bike? Local councils have bike stations available all over your local city to hire. Maybe you know someone who hasn’t yet learned to ride a bike, now’s the perfect opportunity to teach them. 

6. Fly a kite 

As in said in the infamous Mary Poppins Movie, Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height! Break out the arts and crafts box, zoom your friends and let’s see who can fly their kite to the highest height! 

7. Visit your local botanical garden 

Whether you’re in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, or Perth, you cannot go wrong in visiting your local botanical gardens. Especially in the Springtime. Make it an educational day out, and bring a bird-watching guide or flower dictionary.  

8. Take up skill on wheels  

What’s better than walking to your local botanical gardens? Skating to your local botanical gardens! Take this time to pick up skill on wheels. Whether that be on skates or a skateboard, wheel your way there.  

9. Go Jacaranda tree scouting  

One of the most amazing things about Spring in Australia is the Jacaranda trees. Spend your day out exploring the suburbs hosting the biggest and brightest Jacaranda trees on offer. They’ll make a great background for your next post on Instagram! 

10. Take a mountain hike 

For those fortunate enough to be able to go a little further than the local park, explore what the closest mountain has to offer. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert hiker, Australia has an immense amount of hiking trails to offer.