How to make money while travelling the world
Sarah Richard – World Wanderer
You’d be blind, a recluse, or lost all WIFI connections to have avoided one of the thousands of articles floating around the web about people quitting their jobs to travel the world. And good for them! High 5 John from the UK who sacked off his job in a call centre to live in Peru, or to Jane from the USA who now works with elephants in Cambodia – you guys rock.
But seriously, all though they most certainly are ‘living the dream’; how about we quit our jobs, travel the world, but still make money? That sounds more like the dream to us, so we went to hunt down the secrets and find out how we can do exactly that. Here’s what we found:
Start a Blog
Although this isn’t a make-money-quick scheme, it is unbelievable how much money the top travel bloggers can make! One Irish travel blogger, Johnny Ward, has already made over $1million from travelling the world and writing about it!
If not for the money, do it for the free hotel stays- companies are jumping all over bloggers to get featured on their website-and they are more than happy to give free accommodations in exchange! Creating a blog is free too- so what’s there to lose? We love Jimdo as they allow you to create it all from scratch or choose a template, giving you the option to get creative or get it all done for you
Teach English
In countries where English isn’t their first spoken language, English teaching jobs are in seriously high demand! You don’t even need a degree to be able to teach – as long as you’re fluent in English and you have completed a TEFL certificate – either online or in a classroom, you’re qualified to teach in most countries in the world. The pay isn’t too bad either! Some jobs even included living expenses and accommodation. Search for teachings jobs available worldwide here
Scuba Dive Instructor
Coolest job ever? Yup! Getting paid to scuba dive, usually on paradise islands, couldn’t really get much better could it? Seeing as 70% of the world is water, once qualified, you won’t struggle too much on finding a job. While salaries aren’t high, accommodations and sometimes food are included, and you get all your diving free.
Not to mention the perks of spending your days in the ocean and your nights sipping local beer. It’s not for the faint hearted, though, diving is a serious profession and you have to be mentally and physically fit, pass exams, and have some spare change to pay for all the courses. Find out more on becoming an instructor here.
Work on a Cruise Ship
All the amenities/luxuries of everyday life, yet with the ability to travel the world, and still have a fix abode. That’s what working on a cruise ship gives you! Jobs range from bar work to being an onboard doctor, from entertainment staff to mechanics, if you think about it, there are hundreds of jobs that need filling working on a cruise ship!
Why don’t you fill one of them? Did we mention how many countries you’ll see (for free) while doing this? When’s the next boat leaving? We want in! Find out more about working on a cruise ship here.
Last ditch attempt: Become an Instagram star!

Courtesy of Instagram
See yourself as the next Kylie Jenner? Well, of course not, but she earns between $125,000 – $300,000 per PHOTO. So, maybe now you do? You’ve got 1 requirement sorted – all those countries you’re in, now you just need a good filter (Earlybird is the most popular worldwide) a semi-attractive face (oh how shallow of us) or an eye for some epic shots.
Disclaimer: It may take you a hella while to earn any money from this, so we would try the first four first!
Sarah Richard is a 26 year old professional world wanderer. 4 years ago she left the UK and everything that offered her security and routine in exchange for a constant life of excitement and adventure. And she is still living it now. Through out working as a Dive Master, freelance writer,running her blog ( and working along the way she now leads a life as a full time digital nomad. So follow her in her travels, in which ever country in the world she choses, and learn how you can do it too.