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Add Hygge To Your Busy Schedule: 3 Cosy Winter Activities

Brrr, it’s getting chilly out there! Between work, school, and everything else going on, finding time to unwind can be a real challenge. Here’s where hygge comes in – the Danish practice of creating a calm, comfortable time with the people you love. Hygge, by definition, is experienced without frustration or overwhelm.

Here are three cosy winter activities that you can easily fit into your busy schedule and indulge in that hygge sensation.

1. Host a Movie Night

There’s nothing like snuggling up on the couch with a good movie on a cold winter evening. Invite some friends over for a movie night, complete with comfy blankets, warm drinks, and plenty of snacks. Choose a movie that everyone will enjoy, and let yourselves get lost in the story. This is a great way to unwind after a long day or week and to spend quality time with loved ones.

2. Bake Some Comfort Food

There’s something about the smell of freshly baked goods that can instantly make a room feel inviting. Take some time out of your busy schedule to bake some comfort food, like a batch of cookies or a warm apple pie. Not only will this give you a chance to unwind and de-stress, but it will also provide you with a tasty treat to enjoy.

3. Book an Ultimate Cosy Winter Staycation at Ovolo

This Australian winter, all Ovolo Hotels in Australia have embraced hygge and curated a cosy package to keep you warm this season. From special cocktails (like a chocolate martini with marshmallows) to the cosiest blankets for you to take home, Ovolo has got exactly what you need to embrace hygge.

Discover hygge at Ovolo: