5 Secret Trails in Hong Kong

It may surprise those who only know Hong Kong to have towering skyscrapers, but Hong Kong is surrounded by green. Green hills, green mountains, green parks, and more. Some smack dab in the city, and others a little bit off-track… Here’s a list of our 5 favourite hidden trails, for when you feel like forgetting where you are.
- Chasing waterfalls –
In this heat, it’s nice (if not, ideal) to be able to cool down as a reward from your hike. Head on over to Ma On Shan’s Country Park with some water, a bathing suit, and don’t forget appropriate shoes. The trail can get quite tricky!
Ma On Shan’s Country Park
2. Let’s get high –
High peaks, but only moderate exertion – sounds like a dream. High Junk Peak in New Territories is one of Hong Kong’s sharpest peaks, and once you’re up there you get a full view of everything. And by everything, we mean everything – ocean, mountains, and skyscrapers.
3. The road less travelled –
When you hear Lamma Island, you usually think of that family trail that connects the two sides of the island, ending on an overcrowded beach. Little do people know that there’s an off-beaten track, Mount Stenhouse (Shan Tei Tong), that includes getting down on your hands and knees, following coloured ties as guides, and an incredible view.

High Junk Peak
4. Let’s get down to business –
When going for hikes, people usually opt north: New Territories and Kowloon is where people believe the good, worth-it hikes are. But if you head down south to the southmost island in Hong Kong, there’s some beautiful scenery there too. The Po Toi Country Trail can get quite challenging so you might want to bring a couple friends, but we promise it’s worth it!
5. The ancient one –
Lamma and Cheung Chau are some popular islands to visit if you ever want to feel like you’ve left Hong Kong for the day, but they can get quite repetitive. Look a little further, and head to Tai O to walk along the Tung O Ancient Trail. Not only will the distance make you feel like you’ve left the city, but the iconic stilt houses will transport you to another time.
Tung O Ancient Trail