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Explore Solo: The Ultimate Guide for Independent Travellers

solo travel australia

Travelling solo? Embrace the blissful freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own guide. Solo travel offers a unique opportunity to explore at your own pace, meet new people, and discover new cultures in a way that’s entirely tailored to your personal preferences. It’s often an exhilarating and empowering experience that invites self-discovery and once-in-a-lifetime adventures. Ready to take the reins? Embrace the thrill of charting your own path with our guide to solo travel.

The Perks of Solo Travel

Travelling solo is the ultimate way to experience the world on your terms. You set the itinerary, choose the activities, and can decide on a whim whether to venture through Melbourne’s bustling markets, relax on Sydney’s iconic beaches or explore Canberra wilderness trails. Every decision is yours, from dawn to dusk. Travelling solo also means you’re more likely to step out of your comfort zone, building confidence and resilience as you navigate new environments and far-flung destinations.

Being alone allows you to fully absorb and appreciate your surroundings, leading to more mindful and memorable travel experiences. It offers a unique blend of freedom and adventure, leading to unexpected experiences, new connections, and friendships that last a lifetime.

solo hike

Plan Your Solo Adventure

While the spirit of adventure should guide your solo trip, a loose itinerary can help you make the most of your time. Start by pinpointing key destinations that resonate with your interests. While it’s important to maintain some flexibility for unexpected discoveries and local recommendations, having a checklist of must-visit spots ensures you don’t miss out on the best each city has to offer. This approach allows you to seamlessly blend structured exploration with impromptu adventures, making every moment of your solo travel enriching and fulfilling.

Solo Dining on Holiday

Forget the old taboos about dining alone. Solo dining can be a delightful and incredibly freeing experience, whether eating croissants in a cosy Melbourne laneway, enjoying a farm-to-table lunch in Canberra, or sampling fresh seafood at a bustling Sydney harbour eatery. Enjoy a meal with a good book or your favourite podcast, or perhaps strike up a conversation with a friendly local or fellow diner.

solo dining in Canberra

Find the Perfect Solo Accommodation

At Ovolo, we have rooms perfectly suited for solo travellers. Meet our Snug Sun and Cosy Atrium rooms at Ovolo Nishi. Compact yet bursting with character, these rooms feature comfy queen beds, Smart TVs and walk-in showers, offering a cosy retreat after a day of Canberra exploring.

Down in Melbourne, the Go Go Snug and Go Go City Snug rooms at Ovolo South Yarra embody chic comfort. These snug rooms pack a big punch, offering the perfect solo traveller sanctuary with lavish fittings, made-to-measure spaces and plenty of perks including complimentary drinks at Apero Hour to 24-hour gym access.

Group Activities on Solo Travels

While there’s something truly magical about the serenity of solo travel, shaking things up can be a lot of fun. Ever thought about joining a city walking tour, signing up for surf lessons or heading out on a wilderness expedition? Teaming up with local tour groups and adventure clubs lets you dive into new experiences and meet like-minded solo travellers. Sundowner drinks at Ovolo’s Apero Hour are the perfect way to meet and mingle with other solo travellers and form unexpected connections.

Group Activities on Solo Travels

Staying Safe While Travelling Solo

Heading out on your own? No worries! Australia is one of the friendliest and safest places to travel solo. Just remember a few key tips: keep up with local do’s and don’ts, trust your instincts, lock up your valuables and always let someone know your plans. Whether wandering through bustling city streets or quiet country trails, you’ll find that safety is a big priority in Australia, with well-lit paths and helpful locals nearly everywhere you go.

Why Ovolo for Solo Travellers?

Solo travel is about crafting your own journey, and at Ovolo, we make sure you’ve got everything you need to do just that. From the moment you check-in, you’re taken care of with solo travel deals and packages designed to make your stay hassle-free and filled with perks.

So why wait? Dive into the solo travel experience with Ovolo and discover the sights and sounds of Australia and a new-found sense of independence and adventure.