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What you wish you knew before you moved to Honkers

Sarah Richard

Sarah Richard – World Wanderer

We were never given that guide book called ‘Everything you need to know before you move to Hong Kong’ were you? So yes, we came with extra layers for those chilly city nights and every pair of shoes we owned to fit in our great sized apartments. We even brought a dressing gown and slippers for those cozy nights in. And then you get to Hong Kong and you realise it is the hottest place on the earth, the only shoes you need are the ones that make you sweat the least, and there certainly won’t be many ‘cozy’ nights in.

Thank god we made the mistakes for you.

Moving to Honkers? Awesome… we’re excited to have you! But let us just tell you a few things we wished we knew when we were in your position so you can feel that little bit more prepared.

  • You really need to learn how to use chopsticks
  • Buy an Octopus card ON DAY ONE!
  • Okay, I know I’ve already mentioned it: But It is the hottest place on the planet
  • Don’t go to the Peak on the weekend. Ever.
  • Space is a luxury. You will have little of it.
  • Pocari sweat is the best hangover cure.
  • Everything is kinda expensive.
  • But we don’t pay much Tax
  • It is normal for people to take photos of their food before they eat it
  • You will probably be taller than 80% of the population
  • The ‘selfie’ is completely acceptable
  • You will never cook. Don’t bring that pan.
  • Yes, you really can drink that beer on the street
  • But DON’T eat on the MTR
  • You will take advantage of every 48 hours in your weekend
  • And you won’t get much sleep
  • ‘Lazy Sundays’ aren’t really a thing. But ‘Rooftop Sundays’ are
  • The beach is within minuets of the city – Do pack that bikini
  • It is so cheap to travel to other Asian countries
  • The Expat community is amazing.
  • You will have no problem making friends I promise.
  • Did I mention the humidity?
  • You will end up getting business cards even if you didn’t think you had a business.
  • If you weren’t into hiking before, you will be now
  • Hong Kong is BEAUTIFUL – But we like to let you find that out yourself
  • Once you are here, you will never want to leave.
  • So definitely bring that open mind… 1 year really means 7.

Sarah Richard

Sarah Richard is a 26 year old professional world wanderer. 4 years ago she left the UK and everything that offered her security and routine in exchange for a constant life of excitement and adventure. And she is still living it now. Through out working as a Dive Master, freelance writer,running her blog ( and working along the way she now leads a life as a full time digital nomad. So follow her in her travels, in which ever country in the world she choses, and learn how you can do it too.